Daily Life


Part of the UNTREF Study Abroad program is to complement what has been learned in class, with excursions to places and events of special importance. So that students can perceive that the history, culture and language they are learning is part of our daily life.


Cooking classes are part of the cultural immersion program when students will learn some typical argentine food like empanadas or alfajores de maicena.


Another important aspect is the visit of specialists, who come to have an informal, but very precise talk about the topics learned during the program. They take a moment to visit us exclusively at our campus, so that you have the best information in a direct way, giving the opportunity for you to ask questions to these important actors of our society.


Definitely THE highlight all of our students enjoy: a day at Estancia, a typical argentine ranch where they can enjoy the country culture, with food, horse riding and music and dance shows, to name a few.

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